canadian vending business

Topic: Canadian Vending Business

( It's cold and profitable up here, eh! )

The Canadian vending business is almost identical to vending in the US with a few exceptions. We operated a vending business out of Kitchener/Waterloo for almost 15 years.

The Americans call Coke and Pepsi soda, Canadians call it pop. But the real difference comes in the availability of certain products, the coinage, government regulations and machine pricing. The Canadian mint has changed most of the currency in the last 10 years forcing Canadian vending operators to constantly update coin mechs. There is a larger selection of vending products available to Americans especially in the area of frozen meals and meals for food machines. Various Canadian governments seem to want to get involved in vending regulation (especially in schools), without compensating the Canadian vending business for the constant changes in currency (Me, bitter?). And since the Canadian dollar was worth much less than the USD for the past many years the price of machinery has been higher. That being said it seems Canadian vendors are charging more for most of their products. This increased price seems more acceptable to Canadians than similar price hikes in the States.
On whole the Canadian vending business is growing and there are still lots of opportunities for a business minded operator.

Canadian Vending Business

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